One third of the crop was culled to:
1) strengthen the keepers
2) make juice
3) make saba which I had never even heard of before this day but then I tasted it and now I might have a problem.
Happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life…
… impels us through all its mazes and meanderings, but leads none of us by the same route.
~ Charles Caleb Colton
*imbue* ~ Andrea Corrona Jenkins
im•bue (ĭm-byōō’) 1. to inspire, permeate, or pervade ex. work imbued with creative energy
Welcome to the inaugural post of my new series *imbue*. I have been brewing this idea for quite awhile… turning down page corners, scribbling notes in margins, bookmarking a trail round the net… seeking out creative inspiration to share with you.
I cannot think of a better way to launch the series than with the oh-so-magical Andrea Corrona Jenkins aka Hula Seventy.
monday** (self portrait by andrea corrona jenkins) ~ camera/film: automatic 100/125i SILK
Andrea is one of my truest and most deeply felt inspirations. Her work can be found on her blog, flickr, she writes for Uppercase Magazine, Poppytalk, as well as the Shutter Sisters blog, as an Art Director with her (also gloriously talented) brother Nate… the list goes on. She is a supreme though refreshingly humble talent – as adept and prolific with her many cameras as with the written word. So prolific, in fact, that the most difficult part of putting this post together has been selecting which favorites to share.
Ultimately, I have opted to concentrate on her body of instant photography work for two reasons… the first is that I am enamored and awed by these images as well as with her dedication to what nearly became a dying art. In fact, instant photography is experiencing a great rebirth and resurgence in popularity (thank goodness for The Impossible Project). Andrea has been a test shooter for them since the beginning and… here’s where I get to leak a big announcement… she has been asked to exhibit in an upcoming Impossible Project show this autumn in NYC!
I will tell you the second reason for focusing on Andrea’s instant photography at the end of the post (hint: it is something very special just for you!) but first, take a gander at her genius…
crater lake ~ camera/film: sx-70/600
her street ~ camera/film: sx-70/600
cairo ~ camera/film: sx-70/PX600UV+ silver shade
… her people…
may is for roses ~ camera/film: sx-70/artistic tz
it’s true ~ camera/film: sx-70/600
ray ~ camera/film: sx-70/PX600UV+ silver shade
tuesday** ~ camera/film: sx-70/600
… and oh-my-goodness such beautiful things.
bottle it, sell it ~ camera/film: sx-70/600
ava’s new bike ~ camera/film: sx-70/600
bam ~ camera/film: sx-70/px680 color shade first flush
Andrea’s eye, her composition, her use of color, her use of lack of color… goodness in every sense of the word. This lady not only has talent flowing from every pore she is the loveliest of teachers.
And here is where reason number two comes into play… I am so happy to share with you that on Saturday, September 17th those of you who live in the SF Bay Area (or can get yourselves here) have the opportunity to spend an entire day learning the art of instant photography from Andrea herself! I am thrilled to be taking part and would absolutely love it if you could join us in Instant Magic.
The class is only $195 for the day, includes a catered lunch and takes place in the oh-so-lovely Teahouse Studio in Berkeley, CA. As a special bonus, the wonderful ladies of Teahouse have extended us an offer of a $20 discount! Register for the class here and be sure to include INSTANTLOVE in the discount code box when you check out.
I’ll see you there! 🙂
p.s. ALSO, do yourself one more favor and sign up for that Sunday class, eh? CRAZY TALK indeed… I’ve just learned that Susannah has been forced to cancel her trip so no Sunday class. 🙁
p.p.s. Two SF spots stock the Impossible Project films… Photoworks SF (where I get my 35mm film developed) carries five films and carries that delicious PX 600 UV+ Silvershade film with the BLACK FRAME that I am dying to try out! Additionally, the !FAB! newly-opened Photobooth SF carries Impossible films (although no black frame) and is a great space! Vince and Michael are delightful. This is where I got my recent tintype portrait that I absolutely adore and HIGHLY recommend.
one stormy night in montreal.
this shot is one of my all time favorites… it is done better justice viewed nice and big.
the tables were soaked in night dew and asking for love…
the intoxicating blur of rural vermont at nightfall…
… if only I could conjure the delicious earthy exhilarant scent for you.
swimming holes are for awesome.
Wolcott, Vermont.
nicoise, deconstructed.
for Stone Edge Farm & Vineyards.